May 17, 2010

POTD May 13, 2010

This is a ashot from Tara's engagement shoot in Kathryn Albertsons Park in Boise. Tara is a beautiful young lady, you can't tell in her pictures but she is 5 months pregnant at this time.
This particular photo stirred a bit of controversy due to the pose Hmmmmmmm.....
Well until someone pointed it out I had not even thought about it.

I actually love this photo and have no issue with it at all, Tara also really likes it which is all that matters.
I really like how the red shoes match the flowers and the setting and pose really make this nice.

I took this with the d300 28-75 Tamron at F4. The 42" softbox is set very low and is coming in from the right with the evening sun coming in from the right. At this point the sun was down so the light was very nice!!!
For processing I added a bit of vignette to really accentuate Tara, not like she needed any help ....

The setting for this was a place in the park I call the tunnel and I go back there time after time, I really fits my eye.

Thanks Tara, amazing photo!

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